Yesterday everything and everyone was perfect,
yesterday everything made perfect sense,
and I knew there was nothing to worry about,
yesterday I had no fear,
yesterday I was king, and everything was
or could be mine,
but today I realise that I can't have everything
and sometimes wonder if I deserve anything
at all,
I suddenly adjust to the fact that there
is a lot to worry about, and I understand
the dangers,
and I know not what to think,
as curiosity and facts come crashing
together and form a pit in which I feel
because the past is the past,
the future is the future,
and yesterday was yesterday,
but I am trapped in today.
A teenaged male resident wrote this poem in reflection of his time with IHO. This summer, he also received the support of the Virginia Lorraine Stewart Fund, administered by IHO, to purchase the uniforms, underwear, and socks he required that would allow him to attend school on a regular basis. One of IHO's Child & Youth Counsellors assisted him in arranging for the purchase of uniforms and together they went shopping for enough underwear and socks to last until laundry day; which he was also taught how to do. The Child & Youth Counsellor showed him how to separate his clothes, remove stains, and iron the uniforms. The teen advised her that he "had never had so much support from decent and kind people..." or felt so well respected. After a year and a half of school absences, the teen has only missed one day of school since he received the support and guidance of IHO's Child & Youth Counsellor and the financial support of the Virginia Lorraine Stewart Fund.